Tomato Transplanting

about 9 years ago | February, 24, 2015

This week we were finally able to get our first planting moved from the starter house to one of the main growing greenhouses. It was about a week late due to the cold temperatures, but Saturday it finally reach about 31 degrees and we got them moved and set into the growing buckets were they will spend the remainder of the season. Some of the plants already have flowers opened up on them which means small tomatoes are only about a week away and red, ripe fruit in about seven weeks. Its starting to get pretty busy around here preparing for the season ahead, and its not always easy when its single digits outdoors. I'm glad we have warm greenhouses to spend time makes it tolerable. Today, even though the temperature only reached 5 degrees outdoors, I received a temperature alert warning from the greenhouse that it was above 89 degrees! Its unbelievable how hot it can get in there when the sun comes out. As we approach March the sun gets much more intense and we often have to cool the greenhouses even when its below freezing with snow on the ground. Our next project is getting our new greenhouse erected. Until we can get post holes dug in the ground we are at a stand still on that project. But March is just around the corner and with it comes warmer spring temps. Can't wait.

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